What tests do you offer?

The 4 main Aptitude tests that we have available are:

Numerical Reasoning - 45 exams | 900 questions

Verbal Reasoning - 45 exams | 675 questions

Diagrammatic Reasoning - 30 exams | 300 questions
Situational Judgment - 30 exams | 240 questions

We have recently updated our platform and grouped diagrammatic, logical, spatial, inductive, and abstract tests, as they are all identical. This also applies to the Financial reasoning test which we have grouped with the Numeral reasoning test. The reason we grouped them together rather than split them up is so that you don't get overwhelmed.

Included on each package are Employer tests from all over the world, with over one thousand tests and questions. Each Employer test gives you an overview of the company and its application process. Please note that our tests are not designed to be exact replicas of each employer's test. For more information on what you can expect from our Employer tests, please see our article on our test designs.

Our Industry package covers over 25 tests from various industries and over a thousand questions you can practice. We also offer over 300 Publishers with more than 400 tests and worked with a number of authors from the top test publishers worldwide.

The Personality tests we offer are Big Five, Emotional Intelligence, Personality, and Resilience.

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